Main Character iPad Template

We are always looking for fun and meaningful extensions after our novel studies.  The idea to use an iPad came from the fact that we have seen the power of technology grow over the past few years.  When we both first started teaching, many students didn't have their own device but now it seems like every single student has at least one device in their house and if they don't, they sure know how to use one! This activity is a fun one that can be used with any novel.  The best part was not really giving detailed instructions because it allowed the students to be creative! We read My Brother Sam is Dead in class (which the students absolutely loved!) and asked them to think of this question: "If Tim had an iPad, what types of made up apps do you think he would have on there?" It's important to emphasize that most should be made up.  Of course, they can choose an app today if they can make connections to the book but we highly doubt a young boy during the Revolutionary War would be interested in Angry Birds! The pictures below show what one student came up with.  We were blown away with their creativity!

Students cut and glue iPad down in notebook or piece of paper.
On a separate piece of page, students redraw the apps and add a short description about the app.

This template isn't on our TpT page but it is free here to you! If you are interested in using the book, My Brother Sam is Dead, please check out our Interactive Notebook Unit Study at our store.  Enjoy the template by clicking the link below and leave us some comments of how you used it in your classrooms! 

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